So this little darling arrived in our lives yesterday to complete our happy family … she’s on the right in the pink collar, her name is Tris, and only one day later she’s made herself at home, has her wag back and is barking orders at dear old Tam … literally!

Although her story has not been an entirely happy one, she was blessed to be rescued by the special people at Schnauzer Friends South Africa, who took her in, cleaned her up, fostered her in loving home and made thoroughly sure she was placed with a loving family in a secure, forever home. I was very impressed with their processes and more than happy to answer all their questions and fill in all the paperwork. Further to that they called on their connections to help me to get Tris home, all the way from Pretoria, for which I am so grateful.

This morning dear Tris is jumping, barking, chasing and frolicking with her Schnauzer sister, like all happy Schnauzers should – a lump caught in my throat when she began to play – and I thought how wonderful these little animals are and how even a rescue dog of 8 or so years (we think) has so much life left in her that we really need to advocate more for older placements and give more older dogs a chance at happiness too … their ‘cute’ is still there, we just have to be patient to see it!

A special thanks to Laurina for fostering Tris till she found us, to Deborah for facilitating it all and being part of managing the Schnauzer Friends page and keeping us informed and to Tanya, from Pets Wanna Travel, for fetching Tris, filling in all necessary documentation and getting her safely onto a plane to PE! You have each been part of something special, and greatly touch 4 human hearts, and 3 furry hearts. Thank you!

We will keep you updated with out antics on this blog!


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