To set the scene, let me tell you this little tongue in cheek ditty the locals in our area made up as a little friendly dig at the very old and established families who came over on the first boats:

The Bradfields, the Timms and the Tarrs
Are very good neighbours of our
They work with their oxen
They sleep with then socks on …
And they’ve been doing it
For jaars and jaars!

It’s an Albany district thing, you really need to have a dry sense of humour to appreciate it, but you get the gist! They have been here forever. They know everyone. They are likely related to someone, if not many people, that you know and love. Shake a bush and one of them them will jump out they say!

The kicker? My maiden name is Timm and Sarah-Jane’s is Bradfield. I’ll let that sink in.

So here we have to ‘good ol’ farm fresh gals, who grew up on the local cricket fields watching our dad’s best each other at the game, we went to the local schools (and even more local farm schools), we’ve been in the same town for a while … we have been around the world only to both end up back here again AND Sarah’s parents have been my design clients for the last 13 years.

Having seen the Bradfield family through the designs of three businesses already, it was an easy choice to take Sarah on as a client too. It was all just meant to be! Even though I was in the throes of the typical annual end of year chaos of our creative industry, I am so unbelievably glad I took on this project. We have worked long and hard together to pull off this gorgeous new branding for her new business: ec fresh. I have thoroughly enjoyed emerging myself in this mesh of art and design idea. From our first consultation I could completely envision what she needed, and although we went away and came back to this idea many times, eventually through lots of open communication everything just clicked into place. What amazing feeling to have such an amazing creative connection with a client. Honestly, as a professional designer, it’s still one of my favourite feelings in the world!

ec fresh is all about creating connections between people through giving things that mean something. From fresh homegrown flowers and children’s décor to supporting local artists and offering vouchers for local outdoor experiences and activities their products will be locally grown, produced and handmade supporting local all the way … which is an amazing idea because we have such a rich tapestry and people producing some amazing work here! Further to her initial online idea, Sarah will be opening a local store based in Grahamstown as soon as March next year. Watch this space!

To see more of her gorgeous fresh flowers and homemade goodies, click through to the product shoot I did for her with the help of my friend, Caffeiniista‘s, beautiful product styling.

I look forward to a long and fruitful business collaboration Sarah. Thanks for believing in me and giving me the reins to do what I do best!

Hare Illustration,, Design Ardour, #logo, #hare, #branding, #mint, #coral

Hare Illustration,, Design Ardour, #logo, #hare, #branding, #mint, #coral
Robyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns www.designardour.comRobyn Oosthuysen, Photography, Grahamstown South Africa, Eastern Cape, Flowers, #freshflowers #flowercrowns

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